    HomeEntertainmentPune: Financial Fraud On Rise Through Dummy Facebook Account, Police Appeal People...

    Pune: Financial Fraud On Rise Through Dummy Facebook Account, Police Appeal People To Be Alert

    Pune, 9th August 2021: Be aware! There have been rising incidents of financial frauds using the dummy Facebook account by cyber thieves.

    Apparently, through creating the dummy Facebook accounts, these thieves appeal for financial help from your virtual friends and family members.

    There have been frauds from Rs5,000 to Rs,50,000”, said cyber police.

    Do not accept friend requests

    Before accepting a friend request ensure that the person is not on your virtual friend list. If that person is already your friend, then why s/he has sent it to check out. If you see a friend of yours post a message like ‘I am not opening any new Facebook account. Please take care and do not accept any new requests from me. If there are any posts including vulgar pictures, racial comments or asking for money. This means that friend’s account has been hacked’.

    Cyber police’s advice

    Go to security options. Ensure your account is secured and if it has public access, then make it for friends only. Do not keep your personal information or phone number or photo on the account’ said senior police inspector D S Hake from cyber police station.


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